Power Wheel cars are great toys for children who like pretending to be grown-ups.
These mini cars for kids often come jam-packed with features like many real cars do, although your kid might just be happy to drive around your backyard without all of these bells and whistles.

One thing that does matter to a lot of kids though is speed. What’s the point in having a little car if you can’t speed it down the sidewalk?
If you want to get a fast Power Wheels car for your youngster, then the main thing that you have to look at is the size of the battery on the car.
Most Power Wheels cars are powered by either 12V or 24V batteries. Typically, the stronger the battery, the faster the car.
But are there any more differences between these two types of battery? And do they affect the Power Wheels cars any differently?
We are going to answer these questions many more in this article, so keep reading to find out everything that you should know about ower Wheel batteries before you buy the mini car.
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A 12 Volt Battery
The highest speed that can be produced with a 12V power wheel is about 4-5 miles per hour. These cars can navigate uneven terrain with relative ease, making them well-suited for usage in outdoor settings.
These cars have been designed for children aged 3-6. This is the ideal vehicle to drive in front of the house when the children are a bit older and more responsible.
Some 12V cars are equipped with room for two passengers, so your child could even take their friend for a drive.
If your child is still little, they won’t need a great deal of electricity to power the car as they won’t need to/want to drive as fast.
You need to buy a vehicle that has a similar body style to the one with the greater voltage, but one that has less power.
A 24 Volt Battery
These 24V power wheels were developed specifically for children who enjoy driving on uneven terrain, such as grass and gravel, as well as hills.
The highest allowed speed is 6 miles per hour, and the child may enjoy the trip for anywhere between two and four hours until the battery dies.
If you have a steep driveway or your kid is going to be driving on a lot of hills, it is best to choose a 24V ride-on rather than a 12V because it has greater power.
What Car Will Be Fater, One With 12V or With 24V Batteries?
Power Wheels cars that are powered by batteries with 24V can achieve a top speed of 6 miles per hour, and those with a 12V can achieve a top speed of 5mph.
Realistically, this is not a huge difference in speed and probably won’t even be noticed by your kid.
12v cars are typically a bit cheaper than 24V cars, so you may want to consider getting the cheaper version as there is such little difference in speed.
However, the real speed will be determined by other aspects, such as the terrain and the rider’s weight.
Surprisingly, the voltage does not influence the amount of time a battery will hold a charge, so this won’t be a deciding factor when choosing which car to get.
12V vs 24V Power Wheel Cars – What’s the Difference?

If you’re considering purchasing a ride-on for your child, you may be unsure whether you should go with a 12V or 24V power system.
Toy vehicles that run on electricity need a power source so they can work.
While cars with a 24v battery are typically faster, those that have an electrical system that operates on 12V are often more powerful than their 24 counterparts.
In most cases, a 13.8-volt alternator is required to power a 12V system.
It is the responsibility of the power system to find the optimal voltage setting for a given circumstance.
Probably the biggest difference between getting a ride-on with a 12v battery over a 24v battery is the type of terrain that the car can drive on.
While a system with 12V volts will perform effectively on surfaces made of asphalt, grass, and gravel, a system with 24V volts is capable of traversing any sort of terrain.
The maximum weight capacity of the car is also determined by the battery size in the vehicle.
A voltage system that operates at 24V will be able to handle more weight than one that operates at 12V.
While a completely charged 12V system can offer power to the motor for around 2-3 hours, a fully charged 24V system will allow the child to have fun for more than 4 hours.
On the other hand, this will be determined by other aspects, such as the terrain, the rider’s weight, and their pace.
When it comes to ages, most manufacturers suggest that children between the ages of 4 and 7 years old use a 12v Power Wheels car. A 24v system is appropriate for children ages 6 to 8.
In terms of the required degree of expertise, the 24V power rides are best suited for people who have a greater amount of experience.
Always take into consideration the age of the child before purchasing any of these toys, especially if you are getting a more powerful car.
As 24v cars are faster, they typically come with built-in parental controls that allow you to put a cap on the top speed of the car.
This is because these motorized toys come with a variety of dangers, including the possibility of falling, colliding with obstacles, and flipping over, so you want to have some control over your kid’s safety.
If a 12V motor requires 20 amps of current to be powered, then a 24V motor may be powered with just 10 amps but keep the same level of performance.
To put it another way, if you use 24V on a motor that only requires 12V, you run the risk of damaging the power wheel.
The output of the motor is directly proportional to its overall dimensions.
When it comes to the wiring, there is also a little variation between the two. Electrical systems that operate at 12V use wires that are more robust than those that operate at 24V.

12V or 24V – Which Power Wheel Will Be Better for Your Child?
A Power wheel car is an excellent toy for children if you want to promote some independent play while also teaching some responsibility.
Your youngster will be able to explore the car and will enjoy driving through a variety of terrains, including off-roading, with the assistance of a 24V power wheel.
However, because there are so many different models to choose from, the perfect ride for your child will depend on many different criteria.
You should start by thinking about how many riders there will be. Is it more fun for your child to go on rides by themselves or with a group of their friends?
The majority of 24V power wheels will offer seating for two people, while 12v car’s typically only come with one seat.
Also, the 24V is powerful enough to transport youngsters whose combined weight is greater than the limit that is advised for 12V vehicles.
If your child is a bit larger, you run the risk of causing structural damage to the Power Wheel if they use one that is too small or has a lighter weight capacity.
Make sure that you’re buying the correct-sized Power Wheels for your child.
What about battery run time? Compared to their 12V equivalents, which can only function for one to two hours until the battery power runs out, 24V-powered vehicles often have a run time of up to three hours.
Can I Boost the Speed of My 12V Car?
Yes, you can give a 12v Power Wheels car a bit of a speed boost, although this will take a bit of time, effort, and patience.
Here are two ways to increase the power of a 12v car.
Change the Motor
The installation of a new motor is one way to increase the power of the car. Here is how to do this.
To gain access to the hardware, you need to flip the car over so that it is on its roof, then remove the wheels.
To take off the motor, you’ll need a screwdriver. Next, confirm that the new motor compatible and make sure that it is the appropriate size.
After that, detach the motor from the secondary vehicle by using a solder-free connector and exerting some pressure on a flathead screwdriver.
Put the new motor into the car and then put everything back together. After some turning and twisting, the engine should be able to slot in place securely.
After that, connect the wires of the new motor to the wires of the old motor. At this time, you are also able to install a replacement battery if you want to (see below).
If you don’t want to replace the battery though, you should still notice a significant improvement in speed by just swapping out the motors.
Install an Aftermarket Battery
Installing an aftermarket battery is another method for boosting the car’s speed. However, this can be quite a technical job, so be sure you are confident in your skills before you start.
To connect the positive and negative wires, just take the connection off the battery, and then clip the wires together carefully.
In addition, the majority of 12V batteries are made of lead, so you need to pay attention to both the voltage and the size.
After that, you should attach the fuse to the positive terminal of the battery connection (the positive side should be white or red).
After the wire connector has been crimped, you may move on to using fuse holders.
Connecting the positive terminal to the other battery and the negative terminal to the first battery will allow you to enhance the speed of your Power Wheel.
Remember that the remaining wires need to be insulated as well.
When adding more batteries to the Power Wheels car, available space might be an issue, after all, these are only small gadgets.
If you are adding another battery to the car, you might need to cut away some plastic on the inside of the car to fit everything inside.
How to Tell if My Power Wheel Is 24V or 12V
Even though a Power Wheel will come with an instruction booklet, you may still get more power-related knowledge by looking in the fuse box.
Additionally, the operating voltage will be shown on the circuit breakers. However, attaching a meter to the battery is the most effective method.
If the measurement is lower than 15V, this indicates that the battery in the vehicle is a 12V one.
You may also determine the voltage of the battery by counting the caps; if the battery has six caps, it has a voltage of 12V.
If you put a 24V battery into a car that only has 12V, you risk giving the motor too much power, which might cause it to catch fire.
Similarly, putting a 12V battery in a Power Wheel that requires 24V power will cause it to malfunction.
Because of this, before you even consider the possibility of changing the battery on the Power Wheel, you need to make sure that you are purchasing the appropriate one.
A 6V Battery Car – Is It Fast?
The majority of 6V power rides are geared at toddlers between the ages of two and four years old.
These powered vehicles go at a speed of 1-2 mph on average, however, the actual speed might vary depending on the terrain and the rider’s weight.
You should anticipate the battery to last anywhere from forty to sixty minutes if you use it at maximum speed.
These Power Wheels are not equipped to handle muddy or uneven terrain.
You can’t use a battery with 6 volts in a car with a 12-volt battery because the voltage needs to be compatible with the motor.
If you do this, the vehicle will have insufficient power, and it might not move at all. Despite this though, you may insert a 12V battery into a 6V Power Wheels car.
No matter what Power Wheels car you are buying (whether 24V or 12V), your child’s requirements and needs should be the main thing that you are thinking about.
Choose a toy with a more powerful electrical system if you intend to give it to an experienced rider who already has some toys.
The age of your child is another factor that should be considered when choosing an appropriate electrical system; after all, you wouldn’t let a child who was only 3 years old drive at a speed of 10 miles per hour.
Always keep in mind that motorized toys are intended for the growth and enjoyment of children, so it is your responsibility to make sure they are safe.