A Guide to Parenting Styles

The terms “authoritarian parenting style,” “permissive parenting style,” “neglectful parenting style,” and “authoritative way of parenting” are often used in the field of psychology to describe different approaches to parenting. They are derived from the research that was conducted in the 1960s by Diana Baumrind, who was a clinician at the University of California in Berkeley. In the 1980s, Maccoby and Martin contributed as well by making improvements to the model.

Find out more about the four basic parenting styles, why they are important, how to tell which one you parent with, how and when to adjust your approach, whether it is necessary, and how to know which one you parent with.

Parenting Styles

The way in which you raise your kid may have an effect on everything from their self-esteem and physical health to the way in which they interact with other people. Because the way you intermingle with your child and how you teach them will impact them in future. Therefore, it is important to make sure that your parenting style promotes healthy growth and development. This is why it is so vital to ensure that your parenting style does support healthy growth and development.

parenting styles

Each method takes a distinctive approach to bring up children; they each have their own set of compensations and disadvantages, and they may be distinguished from one another by a variety of distinguishing qualities. People are often curious about the parenting approach that they choose, as well as the most effective method.

Parenting Styles Theory History

Baumrind observed that children in the preschool age range demonstrated a variety of varied patterns of behavior. There was a strong connection between each pattern of conduct and a certain style of parenting.

Baumrind’s thesis proposes that there is a direct connection between the manner in which parents raise their children and the actions of their offspring. There is a correlation between parenting methods and the various types of growth and results for children. She first defined three forms of parenting based on her considerable research, which included observation, interviews, and analysis. These styles were authoritative parenting, authoritarian parenting, and permissive parenting.

Maccoby and Martin (1983) developed this three-parenting-styles model by adopting a two-dimensional framework. Although Diana Baumrind is recognized for her work on classifying parenting styles, she is not the one who enlarged this model. Baumrind’s liberal parenting style evolved into two distinct parenting styles: the permissive style, also known as the indulgent parenting style, and the neglectful parenting style (also known as the uninvolved parenting style).

These four approaches to parenting are sometimes popular as the Maccoby and Martin parenting styles. Or the Diana Baumrind parenting styles.

The Influence of Various Parenting Styles on Children

There are two characteristics of parenting behavior and styles that are used to classify different parenting styles. The degree to which a parent exerts control over their child’s conduct or has high expectations of their level of maturity is referred to as demandingness. The degree to which parents are tolerant of and subtle to the psychological and cognitive requirements of their children is referred to as responsiveness on the part of the parents.

Authoritative Parenting Style

Authoritative parents are not only loving and subtle, but they also have high prospects for their children’s achievements and levels of maturity. These parents establish norms and limits for their children by having open conversations, offering direction, and utilizing logic to make their decisions.

These parents provide their children with a rationale and an explanation for the activities they expect from them. Children may get a feeling of awareness via explanations, and adults can educate children about values, morality, and objectives through explanations. As opposed to being coercive, their techniques of discipline are known as confrontative, which means that they are reasoned, negotiated, result-oriented, and focused on the regulation of behaviors.

Parents that are authoritative yet also loving and supportive of their children. They have a healthy regard for their children’s independence and promote it by allowing them a great deal of latitude to pursue their own interests. They also make communication in both directions possible. The autonomous way of parenting is another name for this particular approach to rearing children. Those who are treasured are children raised by authoritarian parents.

According to the findings of Baumrind’s research on parenting styles, children with authoritative parents are more likely to seem happy and gratified, to be more independent, to be more active, to attain greater academic performance,

to grow good self-worth, to cooperate with fellows using knowledgeable communal skills, to have greater mental wellbeing (including fewer instances of unhappiness, stress, suicide, felony, and addiction to liquor and drug), to display less ferocious propensities, and to be securely attached.

Authoritarian Parenting Style

You can identify the authoritarian parenting style by two main characteristics. First, a high amount of parental control. Second, a low level of parental response. Although their titles are similar, the parenting styles of authoritative parenting and authoritarian parenting are quite different in a number of significant ways, including their views, the expectations they place on their children, and the techniques they use.

Authoritarian parents demand unquestioning obedience from their children by using phrases like “Do As I say” as an excuse. Authoritative parents also insist on high standards. They only permit communication in one direction, which they dictate by tight rules and commands. They will see as backtalk every effort you make to reason with them.

These parents exercise strict chastisement and often resort to severe punishments, such as physical abuse, in an effort to gain behavioral control over their children. Their methods of discipline are coercive, which means they are arbitrary, demanding, and dominant, and they are preoccupied with delineating status differences.

Parents that are authoritarian are often not nurturing to their progenies and are not receptive to the needs of their children. They often find a way to rationalize employing harsh treatment on their children in the name of “toughening them up.”

The employment of penalties as a form of discipline is sometimes there in households with authoritarian parents. Therefore, rather than instruct children on how to make better decisions. They are there in making children feel terrible for the errors that they make. Children who are with such parents that are stern and authoritarian tend to obey the rules the majority of the time. However, there is a cost with their compliance.

Children whose parents use an authoritarian parenting style are more likely to have a undesirable disposition, to be less independent, to appear insecure, to have low self-confidence, to display an increased number of behavioral problems or conduct issues, an increased number of temper tantrums, to perform inferior intellectually, to have a lower level of social competence, to be more inclined to internalizing behavior and mental issues, to be more likely to have drug use problems, and to have poorer coping skills.

Permissive Parenting Style

Parents who are permissive tend to establish few rules and limits for their children and are hesitant to enforce regulations when they do. These kind and indulgent parents are great with their kids. But they have a hard time saying “no” or having disappointment by their offspring.

They have a very forgiving nature, adopting an attitude that may be as kids will be kids. When they do utilize consequences. However, such consequences may not be there properly. They could reinstate a kid’s privileges if the youngster asks for them. Or they may let the child out of time early. It is if they pledge to behave themselves in the future.

parenting styles

In most cases, permissive parents behave more like friends than they do like authoritative figures in their children’s lives. They normally make an attempt to get their children to speak to them about their issues, but they don’t put much effort into stopping their children from making poor decisions or acting badly.

As a result of their lack of respect for authority and norms, individuals may display a greater number of behavioral issues. They often suffer from poor self-esteem and may express a great deal of melancholy.

Also, they at a superior risk for health issues, including obesity. It is since permissive parents struggle to control their children’s consumption of bad foods, encourage regular exercise, or instill appropriate sleeping patterns in their children. They are much more prone to have dental cavities because permissive parents often do not enforce beneficial habits, such as making sure a kid washes their teeth twice a day. This makes them even more likely to have dental cavities.

Neglectful Parenting Style

Parents who are uninvolved in their children’s lives or who neglect them expect their children to raise themselves. They do not invest a significant amount of time or effort into satisfying the fundamental requirements of the children. It is possible for uninvolved parents to be negligent, although this is not always the case. It’s possible that a parent who struggles with their mental health or addiction to substances, for example, won’t be able to provide regular care for their child’s physical or emotional needs.

At other times, parents who are not active in their children’s lives either lack knowledge. It is about how children grow and develop. Or have the mistaken belief that their kids would do better without their supervision. In other cases, they are just too preoccupied with other issues, such as the demands of their jobs, the payment of their bills, and the management of their homes. They often have bad academic performance in school. They also have a poor level of enjoyment and often demonstrate negative behavioral issues.

The Most Proficient Method of Parenting

Research over many decades demonstrates that authoritative parenting is inextricably in relation to the kids’ behaviors. It is that are with the greatest results. Psychologists and psychiatrists generally approve that the authoritative style is the most proficient approach for raising children. This categorization of the many approaches to child raising has been the subject of research. It is in a variety of nations for over 25 years. The findings are basically consistent with what was there for each parenting approach. However, there are still certain places where there are exceptions and contradictions.

Parenting Practices

The difference between a parenting style and actual parenting conduct is another factor. It is that might have an effect on the final result. The exact behaviors that parents carry out when caring for their children are parenting practices. Even parents who have the same parenting style may opt to execute various sorts of child-rearing techniques. They are in different ways or with different methods. And this will alter the degree to which the practices are successful.


There is no such thing as flawless parenting because there is no such thing. Do not give up hope if there are moments or places in which you tend to be lenient or uninvolved. And other times when you tend to be more authoritative. Sometimes, parents do not fall neatly into just one category, so do not despair if this describes you. When trying to maintain consistency while juggling the demands of life and children may be challenging. You should not feel guilty or ashamed about becoming a parent. That is of no use to anybody in any way.

However, it is abundantly obvious from the research that authoritative parenting is the most effective kind of parenting. There are, however, actions you can do to become a more authoritative parent. And this is true even if you tend to identify more with one of the other parenting styles.

You are able to keep a great connection with your kid while also establishing your authority. It is in a way that is beneficial if you dedicate yourself. And make a commitment to being the best parent you possibly can be. Your kid will, in the long run, benefit immensely from the authoritative manner in which you raise them. The commanding parenting style is the one that people promote the most in contemporary American culture. It is out of the four different parenting styles described by Baumrind.

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